
Mars og Merkur Denmark

The purpose of Mars and Mercury is:

  • To be a security policy network of decision makers who work to ensure that Denmark can continue to be an independent democratic country where citizens, companies and organizations live in peaceful coexistence nationally and internationally. 
  • To work for an effective, modern Danish defense and preparedness with the necessary resources and abilities to defend Denmark and Danish interests.

To fulfill the purpose, Mars and Mercury can take the initiative for activities, including in collaboration with others, either directly or indirectly.

Mars and Mercury is a non-political organization.

Membership is by invitation only and cannot be applied for.

The management of Mars and Mercury, Denmark consists of an Executive Committee and a Board of Representatives.

The Executive Committee elected 13. May 2024

  • Director, Chamberlain, Torben von Lowzow – President
  • Chairman of the Board Peder Holk Nielsen – Vice president
  • Country Senior Executive Mads Skovlund Pedersen – Treasurer
  • CEO Laila Reenberg
  • CEO Thomas Hofman-Bang

Board of Representatives:

  • Managing Partner Ulla Brockenhuus-Schack
  • Chairman of the Board, Consul, Knight One Peter Vinther Christensen
  • CEO Kim Fausing
  • CEO Mette Kyhne Frandsen
  • Chairman of the Board Jes Munk Hansen
  • Professor, dr.jur. Jesper Lau Hansen
  • Chairman of the Board Christian Herskind
  • CEO Thomas Hofman-Bang
  • Chairman of the Board Peter Højland
  • CCO Tonni Thorlaf Jensen
  • Director, Chamberlain, Torben von Lowzow
  • CEO Brian Mikkelsen
  • CEO Lars Stensgaard Mørch
  • Chairman of the Board Peder Holk Nielsen
  • Partner, lawyer Arne Molin Ottosen
  • Country Senior Executive Mads Skovlund Pedersen
  • CEO Michael Rasmussen
  • CEO Laila Reenberg
  • CEO Anders Rex
  • Chairman of the Board Sten Scheibye
  • CEO Jens Bjerg Sørensen, Chairman of the Board of Representatives
  • CEO Jais Valeur
  • CEO Jacob Aarup-Andersen